The Incomaster™ Nappy Disposer – Macerator is a cost-saving alternative to incontinence waste collections. It disintegrates pads and nappies to a fine slurry with autostart technology and flushes it down the drainage system.
The Incomaster™ is low maintenance and easy to install, with the load disposed in under 2 minutes. It converts polyethylene, non-woven products, and waste into fine slurry allowing for standard disposal through the drainage system.
As no waste collection or Diaper disposal services are required, opportunities for cross-contamination and bad odours are greatly reduced.
Delivering real and measurable benefits to both you and those in your care. Our highly efficient and user-friendly Incomaster™ Nappy Disposer (or as some of our customers have affectionately come to call it, “Doeke Masjien” / Diaper Machine) delivers outstanding performance for the simple and hygienic disposal of disposable incontinence products.
Main Benefits of the Incomaster™ Nappy Disposer:
- Hygienic – greater infection control as exposure time is greatly reduced
- Reduces odours – no heaping up of diapers waiting to be disposed of
- Low cost – no Nappy Disposal or Diaper Disposal services required
- Easy to use – put incontinence products in, close lid, press start
- Quiet operation
- Low maintenance when the instructions are followed
- Fast and efficient cycle times – up to 4 pads (or 1 adult diaper) in 3 minutes
- Converts disposable products into fine pulp allowing for standard flush through the drainage
- Requires only a cold water source, electricity, and drainage
- Bugban® – Active antimicrobial built into the plastic, wipe clean exterior
- Water curtain cleans hopper and impeller
- Easy installation with full-service backup included
See how the Incomaster™ Incontinence Macerator works in the Video below:
Contributing to Infection Prevention – #IIPW

- The Incomaster Macerator is a great step toward cross-infection prevention as exposure time to human waste is greatly reduced.
- As there is no heaping up of diapers, waiting for days to be disposed of, odours and chances of cross-infection is reduced even further.
- Bugban® technology (Active antimicrobial) built into the plastic ensures yet another great step to the prevention of infection due to human waste.