Set Contains:
- 1X Otoscope – Halogen
- 1X Stainless Steel Handle
- 1X Ear Specula
- Zip-up Pouch

Contains 19 Lenses from 0D – 20D
P2000 Bulb
Aperture Wheel:
- Red-Free Filter
- Large & Small Spot
- Hemispot

Desk Diagnostic Sets Containing:
- Rechargeable Ophthalmoscope
- Rechargeable Otoscope
- Desk Charging Station
- Power Adapter

Set Contains:
- Stainless Steel Handle
- Miller Blade Size 1
- Macintosh Blades Size 2, 3, & 4
- PVC Case

Deluxe Diagnostic Sets Contain:
- Stainless Steel Handle
- Otoscope
- Ophthalmoscope
- Laryngeal mirrors size 4 & 5
- Metal Tongue Blade depressor
- Nasal Speculum
- Ear Tips & Connector
- Leather Case

An Innovative High Lux and Cool Light Diagnostic Penlight
Pupil Gauge and Slide Rule